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  • Writer's pictureJeff Berry

Land mammal to marine mammal evolution is contrary to forward or upward evolution.

What is larger than a dinosaur and weighs about 100 tons? The blue whale. Some dinosaurs were longer but did not have the mass of a blue whale. The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived.... In fact, if it were a land animal, it's skeleton could not support its weight! And yet evolutionist believe that it was once a land mammal that "evolved" into a marine mammal. It seems to me that evolutionist want it both ways. Land mammal to marine mammal evolution is contrary to forward or upward evolution.

Of course it was once believed that humans had gills ("from goo to the zoo to you" evolution).The early idea was that the fetus went through evolutionary stages having fish like gills (in the embryonic stage). I believe this idea paved the way for believing that the fetus was in some way less than human. The Bible is our moral anchor. Because we have abandoned it, organizations like "Planned Parenthood" are sanctioned by the state to murder 900 precious babies per day. (That is Planned Parenthood in the US.)


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